The “legal drama” is a popular serial television genre which uses the court room and legal arguments to concoct an intriguing story about right and wrong.  This is often the only exposure that most people have to the legal profession and, unfortunately, it gives many people the wrong idea regarding what it is that attorneys actually do.

On television (and in movies), lawyers take a stand, often getting up and addressing the jury or the judge directly; sometimes directing attention to the plaintiff or the defendant as a means to incite emotional response.  They use monstrous phrases in long diatribes to illustrate the “narrative of a case” as a means to cull favor.  Image result for Three Things Attorneys Actually Do

In real life, MonAvocat lawyers still do this, but it’s not quite as dramatic or interesting; at least not to someone who might want to spectate.  The reason it is not as much fun to watch an attorney in real life is simple:  the work of attorneys in real life is very different than those on television.


For example, the primary focus for many attorneys is whether or not a person has violated a law as described in the Constitution and how previous cases might affect the outcome of the present case.  The Constitution—while written several hundred years ago—is a living, breathing, evolving document.  We amend it based on how society changes.  Attorneys research the foundations of law and how those laws might have evolved over time and then compare these changes to the way that other courts might have addressed a similar or related incident.

All of this work is done outside the court room and often presented to the judge and other parties before even going to trial.  It is a means to facilitate an agreement based on what a fair judgment should be. Of course, if an agreement cannot be reached, these very same facts are presented to a jury in court, too.


When you hire an attorney, you are not only getting access to their education, their experience, and their time. You are also actually getting access to the people they know.  Every lawyer knows other lawyers and that means that no attorney is limited in their knowledge of the law: they can consult with others who might be more attuned to the particulars of your case.


Finally, the job of an attorney is to advocate in your place.  The legal system is impersonal and that is hard for people to deal with. But your attorney will make arguments based solely on the facts and not how you feel or what you fear. Their job is to simply argue the best possible outcome in your case by presenting evidence, constitutional law, and case studies.