Are Accident Reports Public Record?

In Pennsylvania, it’s difficult to know what does and doesn’t fall under the state’s right to know law. It’s also difficult to know exactly who is able to access your information and for what reasons....

What is Court Reporting? What do they do?

As per the name court reporter service people seem like they only work in the court, but the fact is that they are found in other places as well. The reason is that court reporters are an educated person and...

Common Causes of Trucking Accidents

Car accidents that involve commercial trucks such as tractor-trailers, commercial delivery trucks, and semi-trucks are on the rise in most parts of the United States. What is even more devastating is the fact...

Child Custody:  What You’re Not Supposed to Do

A lot of people find themselves in the middle of disputes that affect how they relate to their kids. Usually unplanned for and not very understood because it’s the first time and you’ve just had a divorce...

Do You Really Need An Auto Accident Lawyer?

Are you hurt in an automobile accident in Michigan? An Accident legal representative Michigan assists you to declare the payment for the misery or sufferings you have due to the mishap met as well as claim for...