What it Takes to be a Guarantor for a Tenant

To be a guarantor for a tenant is to commit to paying his debts if he stopped paying his rent. It is, therefore, a serious commitment of consequence, and not a simple clause of style that is worn at the...

The importance of legal experts

Lawyers are every person’s best friend, as these specialists can get people out of trouble in an instant. They can also settle various disputes and claims in the name of others. Many wonder how to contest...

Statute of Limitation on Mesothelioma Cases

Statute of limitation is a law that allows you to file a claim within a specific time frame. The timeline might start with the diagnosis or from the death of the person. The total time limit is usually...

Alleviating the Stress of a Military Divorce

If you or your partner are in the military and are thinking about divorce, or if you have already been served with divorce documents, you owe it to yourself to get the finest legal guidance possible, from a...

Child Custody:  What You’re Not Supposed to Do

A lot of people find themselves in the middle of disputes that affect how they relate to their kids. Usually unplanned for and not very understood because it’s the first time and you’ve just had a divorce...