When you are injured in a car accident, you are usually entitled to compensation from the insurance company if you make a claim. However, a procedure is put in place before receiving compensation from an insurance company. During this procedure, you must provide proof of all the damage you suffered from this accident. Learn also how to get more money from a car accident settlement.
As a victim of bodily injury, you have the right to full compensation for the damage you suffer, that is to say, to obtain compensation that places you in a situation you would be in if the accident had not occurred. Did not take place. It is, therefore, necessary to list all the damages suffered, which may be of a patrimonial nature ( loss of professional earnings, health expenses, travel costs to medical appointments, etc.) but also of an extra-patrimonial nature ( suffering endured or Pretium Doloris, temporary and permanent functional deficit, etc.).
Only financial compensation can repair the consequences of such an accident. By taking into account all of your losses, you will obtain the most fair and equitable compensation.
We present useful tips to help you obtain the compensation you are entitled to for your injuries.
Call A Personal Injury Repair Expert
The personal injury compensation expert such as Lehmbecker Law Firm for example is the professional who knows the rights to which you are entitled as an accident victim. He knows the applicable legal texts and will advise you on the compensation procedure. The sooner you contact him, the better support you will have in your efforts. In addition, you will be able to let him take control of your file without you having to worry about the sometimes heavy administrative tasks during your care journey.
The expert will be able to negotiate on your behalf and will do everything possible to obtain fair compensation. By surrounding yourself with personal injury professionals, a dialogue on equal terms can be established with the insurance company.
Compile A Complete File, A Guarantee Of Better Compensation
All documents relating to your injuries and your treatment process must be collected and kept to be sent to the insurer. These will be the reports of medical interventions, the records of the prescribed physiotherapy sessions, the prescriptions for medication, the health insurance statements showing the daily allowances paid, etc.
Everything that has had a cost for you must be justified. The best way to proceed will be to keep all the supporting documents for your losses and expenses.
Receive Medical Care In The Event Of Psychological Distress
You may suffer from post-traumatic shock if you feel a drop in morale, difficulty falling asleep, or apprehension about returning to driving. Do not put any obstacles in the way of talking to a professional (psychologist or psychiatrist). The latter will listen to you and can help you recover more quickly. Such trauma affecting your peace of mind must be taken care of. Moreover, it constitutes a consequence of the accident and must be compensated by the insurer.
Expertise: An Essential Step
We advise you not to hastily accept an offer of compensation covering the losses resulting from your bodily injury. You have the right to obtain the appointment of a doctor who will be responsible for assessing you from the insurance company. It is based on a medico-legal assessment of your losses, and the insurer’s offer must be quantified. Bring your previously compiled and ordered file with you during this expert meeting.
Also, call a referral doctor to accompany you to the assessment appointment. As an independent doctor, he can provide the fairest assessment of your bodily injuries. You can also contest that of the doctor appointed by the insurance company based on his medical conclusions.
Quantifying Your Losses: An Essential Step
To submit a claim to the insurance company, you must quantify your losses.
You must send invoices and supporting documents for costs incurred and losses incurred.
Regarding bodily injuries that expert doctors have previously assessed, you can quantify them using the simulator that we have put online. This compensation schedule will help you obtain amounts to present to the insurance company. Link for our simulator –> www.bareme-entreprises.com
As such, the personal injury compensation expert is the most competent to carry out such calculations. Based on the compensation already awarded by the courts in cases similar to yours, he will know how to negotiate and will ensure that your interests are defended.
Obtain Written Confirmation Of The Offer: The Transaction Report
Once the compensation offer obtained sufficiently covers all items of damage resulting from the accident you suffered, you can sign the amicable settlement report sent by the insurance company.
Please note that you have no deadline to accept the offer. You can take the sufficient and necessary time to accept or refuse it. You can sign and return the transaction report to the insurer if accepted. Only then do you have 15 days to contest it if you change your mind in the meantime…